
Travelogues => Future NG Events - and Location Reveries => Topic started by: Birna Rørslett on November 14, 2023, 20:03:23

Title: Should we have Zoom meeting(s) on NG?
Post by: Birna Rørslett on November 14, 2023, 20:03:23
The idea of having (informal) Zoom-based meeting(s) on NG came up in another thread. I've taken the liberty to vent this idea in a separate topic.

First, we need to measure whatever interest people having in joining such events. Second, if the idea catches the members' fancy, what day/time would be best for this?

Have your say. I'll add a poll if there seems to be any backing of this idea.
Title: Re: Should we have Zoom meeting(s) on NG?
Post by: Bruno Schroder on November 14, 2023, 21:36:49
I would definitely join. I’ve attended 6 in NG meetings and it is always a pleasure to meet members.
Timing is not an issue, I am retired now. Middle of the night could bring some surprises though :)
Title: Re: Should we have Zoom meeting(s) on NG?
Post by: Ian Watson on November 14, 2023, 22:52:12
I would be keen to join. I work rotating shifts and so, while timing can be flexible, a bit of luck on my part would be involved.
Title: Re: Should we have Zoom meeting(s) on NG?
Post by: Akira on November 15, 2023, 01:59:23
I would love to join!  It's as simple as that!
Title: Re: Should we have Zoom meeting(s) on NG?
Post by: Birna Rørslett on November 15, 2023, 09:09:19
I learn that members might be positive. Thus now is the next step, namely, to find time point(s) providing maximum opportunities for people to participate.

Towards this end, I start a poll where you can tick the best time slots. Time zone CET, thus adjust accordingly if required.  Do note we haven't set the day of the week yet, most likely this will be Monday(s) or Friday(s)..
Title: Re: Should we have Zoom meeting(s) on NG?
Post by: Thomas Stellwag on November 15, 2023, 11:42:40
my vote for the late time (after 10pm), is, that members in other time zones could join, it is not my favourite time
Title: Re: Should we have Zoom meeting(s) on NG?
Post by: Akira on November 15, 2023, 12:45:29
As I've been doing interviews to musicians living/staying abroad, I'm accustomed to adjust myself to any time point.  So, I didn't vote.
Title: Re: Should we have Zoom meeting(s) on NG?
Post by: Bruno Schroder on November 15, 2023, 13:44:05
I did not vote as I can accommodate any time, with the occasional exception of a Friday evening dining out.
Title: Re: Should we have Zoom meeting(s) on NG?
Post by: Kim Pilegaard on November 15, 2023, 20:37:41
I think that NG zoom meetings is a great idea. I am quite flexible with the weekday/time. Maybe, it doesn't have to be the same every time.
Title: Re: Should we have Zoom meeting(s) on NG?
Post by: Birna Rørslett on November 15, 2023, 21:11:21
Agree. We should alternate morning/evening sessions, perhaps? Should any NG member be able to attend or should this be restricted to Supporters?

Anyway, I think there is some support for the idea of virtual NG meet-ups. As I have a pro Zoom account, we'll use that platform. Let me mull over the practicalities before I advertise the date/time of a pilot meeting.
Title: Re: Should we have Zoom meeting(s) on NG?
Post by: Airy on November 16, 2023, 00:21:07
I like the idea, definitely worth a try. I voted for very early or very late (CET time) so members from the far East or far West would be more likely to join.
Of course that does not replace F2F meetings, but these are difficult to arrange (I had two so far, unforgettable... but missed most of them).
Title: Re: Should we have Zoom meeting(s) on NG?
Post by: Michael Erlewine on November 16, 2023, 05:53:51
I like the idea. I'd get to meet many of you online. Wonderful.
Title: Re: Should we have Zoom meeting(s) on NG?
Post by: golunvolo on November 16, 2023, 08:58:58
I like the idea, definitely worth a try. I voted for very early or very late (CET time) so members from the far East or far West would be more likely to join.
Of course that does not replace F2F meetings, but these are difficult to arrange (I had two so far, unforgettable... but missed most of them).

Title: Re: Should we have Zoom meeting(s) on NG?
Post by: MILLIREHM on November 16, 2023, 16:42:43
Interesting idea to set up meetings like that. Not sure what to vote as I am rather flexible (excluding night time between 00:00 and 09:00 am). Given the properties of zoom It'd need moderation and some kind of agenda, as side talks a physical meeting makes possible dont work in Zoom (if one does not think about breakout-sessions).
Title: Re: Should we have Zoom meeting(s) on NG?
Post by: aerobat on November 16, 2023, 21:32:05
I would definitely participate - we'd get a lot more exchange in say 1-2h
Title: Re: Should we have Zoom meeting(s) on NG?
Post by: Birna Rørslett on November 16, 2023, 21:36:07
OK, based on the survey, I'll run the first of *two* meet-ups at 2200 Monday 20 Nov. Next 1000 on Monday 27.Nov. Time zone CET.  Duration 1 hour but that can be extended if required.

As these are test runs, we will not restrict participation to Supporters. However, that is one of the possible topics to discuss.

In order to make the event manageable -- to me -- I'set an upper limit of participants to 11. Send me a PM if you wish to join and which of the date/time slots are most suitable. I'll distribute Zoom link and an agenda later to the applicants.

Title: Re: Should we have Zoom meeting(s) on NG?
Post by: Birna Rørslett on November 17, 2023, 21:27:55
To anyone interested in participating:

DO use the PM system -- NOT any direct e-mails to me. In the latter case the message might not even make it through the filtering systems of the mail provider. Or the message content is stripped out, which makes the information useless as I don't learn from whom the e-mail is :(

I've already seen several cases of these issues, so please don't exacerbate the situation.
Title: Re: Should we have Zoom meeting(s) on NG?
Post by: Thomas Stellwag on November 18, 2023, 16:18:34
have just resent my PM from 2 days ago, after cleaning the PM folders
Title: Re: Should we have Zoom meeting(s) on NG?
Post by: bobfriedman on November 18, 2023, 21:59:37
I would join if available.... of course I would have to download zoom :). haven't used it since I retired.
Title: Re: Should we have Zoom meeting(s) on NG?
Post by: Birna Rørslett on November 18, 2023, 22:49:52
There are still vacant positions for both planned events, Bob. Just shoot me a PM if you are interested.
Title: Re: Should we have Zoom meeting(s) on NG?
Post by: MFloyd on November 19, 2023, 01:45:16
Can we consider - beside Zoom - other exchange methods such as WhatsApp or Telegram. More flexible and interactive than messaging ?
Title: Re: Should we have Zoom meeting(s) on NG?
Post by: Birna Rørslett on November 19, 2023, 07:13:11
Members can communicate any way they want. I'm talking about possible events  that are "official".
Title: Re: Should we have Zoom meeting(s) on NG?
Post by: MFloyd on November 19, 2023, 07:30:11
Members can communicate any way they want. I'm talking about possible events  that are "official".

So I do
Title: Re: Should we have Zoom meeting(s) on NG?
Post by: armando_m on November 19, 2023, 10:13:38
Just cleaned my messages and recent one indicating my interest yo participate
Title: Re: Should we have Zoom meeting(s) on NG?
Post by: Birna Rørslett on November 19, 2023, 11:39:33
So I do

Then count me out. I'm using Zoom. Not the others. Feel free to set up any system of your own.
Title: Re: Should we have Zoom meeting(s) on NG?
Post by: Birna Rørslett on November 19, 2023, 12:02:30
To the participants of the Monday 20th meet-up: I'll send the agenda and link later this evening (hopefully around 2200 CET time). I have to visit a very sick friend today and spend some hours with him -- not sure how long he has left to live.

The participants for Monday 27th: I'll send the needed info in a day or two.
Title: Re: Should we have Zoom meeting(s) on NG?
Post by: ColinM on November 20, 2023, 10:53:23
Hope you have a great session everyone.
I can't make Monday's at those times at the moment, but I'm sure the opportunity will come around soon.
Title: Re: Should we have Zoom meeting(s) on NG?
Post by: Birna Rørslett on November 20, 2023, 11:41:16
We shall see. The experience gathered from the two pilot meetings will be important to decide whether we should continue along this path, or push for in-vivo meetings instead.

Real life encounters allow for so much more, but the number of people able to attend always will be quite restricted. In theory, such limits may be lifted for virtual meet-ups.
Title: Re: Should we have Zoom meeting(s) on NG?
Post by: Erik Lund on November 20, 2023, 23:39:07
Thank you B for arranging the first meeting on Zoom - We are off to a great start  ;D
We already have some topics on the table - Looking forward to next meeting!
Title: Re: Should we have Zoom meeting(s) on NG?
Post by: armando_m on November 21, 2023, 01:35:14
It was awesome to see you on zoom  :)
Title: Re: Should we have Zoom meeting(s) on NG?
Post by: Birna Rørslett on November 21, 2023, 07:48:34
It was awesome to see you on zoom  :)

Likewise :) I think the first "test" meeting went off very well.

A side note for participant for the next meeting; extending the duration was required.
Title: Re: Should we have Zoom meeting(s) on NG?
Post by: Bent Hjarbo on November 21, 2023, 09:17:47
Likewise :) I think the first "test" meeting went off very well.

A side note for participant for the next meeting; extending the duration was required.
Nice to see you all :)
Title: Re: Should we have Zoom meeting(s) on NG?
Post by: aerobat on November 21, 2023, 10:53:07
It was a pleasure to zoom-meet you all. Looking forward to meet again  :)
Title: Re: Should we have Zoom meeting(s) on NG?
Post by: Thomas Stellwag on November 21, 2023, 14:11:39
It was fun to see you.
I got some ideas tonight. (means, Birna you should think twice, before inviting me to another zoom).
One is, to shorten the introduction time in future meetings, when more and other participants are involved:   the supporters put their introduction into their profile, only visible for other supporters. We get a participant list  before a meeting and read these information about people, we do not know. I´ve not yet an feasible idea for non supporters, need one more meeting.
Title: Re: Should we have Zoom meeting(s) on NG?
Post by: Birna Rørslett on November 21, 2023, 15:47:54
We learn along the path followed :)

I can add the list of participants to the next Zoom invitation, for 27th Nov. 1000. Good idea.

Title: Re: Should we have Zoom meeting(s) on NG?
Post by: Thomas G on November 21, 2023, 16:42:59
I missed it  ::) and will miss 27th Nov because of travel  :-[ - too bad.
Hope to be able to join in on a future one.
Title: Re: Should we have Zoom meeting(s) on NG?
Post by: Ian Watson on November 21, 2023, 17:20:05
I cannot make either, alas. To quote Oscar Wilde, work is the curse of the social classes.

It sounds like it is off to a good start and I hope to join you in the future.
Title: Re: Should we have Zoom meeting(s) on NG?
Post by: Birna Rørslett on November 21, 2023, 18:01:56
So, what time of the day would suit you better, Ian? Same question goes to Thomas G.
Title: Re: Should we have Zoom meeting(s) on NG?
Post by: Akira on November 21, 2023, 19:19:20
How will the link to the Zoom meeting be sent to the participants?  Via PM in NG or via email registered in the profile?
Title: Re: Should we have Zoom meeting(s) on NG?
Post by: Birna Rørslett on November 21, 2023, 19:21:14
Easiest for me is by PM. That is how I did this the first time.
Title: Re: Should we have Zoom meeting(s) on NG?
Post by: Thomas G on November 21, 2023, 19:22:05
weekdays 1800 CET or later looks promising.
Title: Re: Should we have Zoom meeting(s) on NG?
Post by: Akira on November 22, 2023, 03:39:04
Easiest for me is by PM. That is how I did this the first time.

That would be handy for the participants, too.
Title: Re: Should we have Zoom meeting(s) on NG?
Post by: aerobat on November 22, 2023, 05:27:17
A topic for future zoom meetings could be photo critique sessions for NG supporters.

This should hopefully increase the NG support numbers.
Title: Re: Should we have Zoom meeting(s) on NG?
Post by: Birna Rørslett on November 22, 2023, 13:25:56
Let us have an introductory round, then see that is on top of the members' wish list :)_

Photo critique ? perhaps this is a good idea. Let members mull over this and give feed back. It's certainly doable.

I have put up a test site dedicated to mobile phone users as well. The  site is purely experimental and we won't open it for general access at present. If you are interested in becoming a guinea pig for that site, send me a PM.
Title: Re: Should we have Zoom meeting(s) on NG?
Post by: Ian Watson on November 22, 2023, 16:28:43
So, what time of the day would suit you better, Ian?

Time of the day is easy. I am six hours behind you and so your afternoon, evening or late evening would be fine.

The problem is my weird and wonderful shift schedule. It has a four-week cycle. Mondays and Thursdays, I am off one week in four and am available in the morning (mine) another one in four. The other days I am off two weeks in four and am available in the morning on a third.

It is not reasonable to ask you to accommodate this schedule.
Title: Re: Should we have Zoom meeting(s) on NG?
Post by: Akira on November 27, 2023, 11:14:01
It was nice to meet Anthony and Bruno online real time, and see Birna for the first time since we met in Tokyo in 2007!

Again, thank you, Birna, for hosting!  Hope the meeting to be held on a regular basis without burden on the host.  We can also have personal meetings via Skype or GoogleMeet or whatever, but I'm sure that the official NG meeting would encourage the members to do it more.
Title: Re: Should we have Zoom meeting(s) on NG?
Post by: Bruno Schroder on November 27, 2023, 15:12:23
It was indeed very nice to meet you for the first time, Akira and Anthony. Nice also to see Birna again. We should do this again.
Title: Re: Should we have Zoom meeting(s) on NG?
Post by: Anthony on November 27, 2023, 15:39:16
I echo Akira's and Bruno's comments. It was great to meet you both, and to see Birna again, and thanks to Birna for organising this.

Birna, this is the jpeg lossless compression program I mentioned. I use it a lot for space saving.
Title: Re: Should we have Zoom meeting(s) on NG?
Post by: Birna Rørslett on November 29, 2023, 09:29:00
I tentatively have set up another Zoom meeting at Thursday 7th Dec, 2300  CET. Anyone interested in attending, please shoot me a PM.

If there are takers, perhaps also Friday 8th at 1000 CET.
Title: Re: Should we have Zoom meeting(s) on NG?
Post by: Birna Rørslett on November 30, 2023, 18:34:54
Agenda for our first round of Zoom meetings

(we do this informally, but it’s preferable to have a plan)

1. Birna opens the meeting with introductory remarks. Very brief history background etc.

2. Each  participant introduces himself/herself. Some people have met others, but we should presume all are unfamiliar persons and present ourselves accordingly.

3. Birna and the NG Crew wish to learn what the participants think on the following subjects,

- what is functioning well on the NG web site

- the reason you like to participate in site activities

- what features do you miss [the most]

- why are there so few active Supporters?

- can anyone think of contribute by sharing responsibilities in the running of the site. Obviously this topic connects to the outcome of the previous questions.

- ideas for in-vivo meetings in 2024? We might sum up our thoughts about having more virtual meetings in the future as well here.
Title: Re: Should we have Zoom meeting(s) on NG?
Post by: Birna Rørslett on December 07, 2023, 15:00:41
Here is the link for today's late 2300 CET meeting.

Birna Rørslett is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: NG Zoom Meeting with Birna Rørslett
Time: Dec 7, 2023 23:00 Paris

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 889 9085 9202
Passcode: 994097

Title: Re: Should we have Zoom meeting(s) on NG?
Post by: Birna Rørslett on December 07, 2023, 15:43:40
...  and here, the link for tomorrow's meeting

Birna Rørslett is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: NG Zoom meeting with Birna Rørslett
Time: Dec 8, 2023 10:00 Paris

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 817 2863 9800
Passcode: 079302

Title: Re: Should we have Zoom meeting(s) on NG?
Post by: Frank Fremerey on December 07, 2023, 22:51:46

Tomorrow morning??? joint Coffee brigade?

...  and here, the link for tomorrow's meeting

Birna Rørslett is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.

Topic: NG Zoom meeting with Birna Rørslett
Time: Dec 8, 2023 10:00 Paris

Join Zoom Meeting (

Meeting ID: 817 2863 9800
Passcode: 079302
Title: Re: Should we have Zoom meeting(s) on NG?
Post by: Birna Rørslett on December 08, 2023, 00:21:29
The last test run is indeed on 1000 CET, 8th Dec.

After that we probably opt for weekly "NG chats", perhaps with user-selected topic(s)
Title: Re: Should we have Zoom meeting(s) on NG?
Post by: Gil Aegerter on December 08, 2023, 04:08:13
Great to meet everyone in today's Zoom. I heartily recommend them.
Title: Re: Should we have Zoom meeting(s) on NG?
Post by: Akira on December 08, 2023, 05:00:40
I participated in the meeting a bit too late, so I didn't really have chances to say hello to Gil and Frank.  I've already spoke with Birna and Bruno, and Thomas on the Messenger of the Facebook.

Nevertheless, it was great to see you all!  It would be nice not only that the Zoom meeting would be a regular event, but also it would encourage us to see each other personally online via whatever means.
Title: Re: Should we have Zoom meeting(s) on NG?
Post by: ColinM on December 08, 2023, 14:05:55
I participated in the meeting a bit too late, so I didn't really have chances to say hello to Gil and Frank.  I've already spoke with Birna and Bruno, and Thomas on the Messenger of the Facebook.

Nevertheless, it was great to see you all!  It would be nice not only that the Zoom meeting would be a regular event, but also it would encourage us to see each other personally online via whatever means.

Agreed Akira.
I joined a lovely session with Anthony, Adil and Birna today.

The last test run is indeed on 1000 CET, 8th Dec.

After that we probably opt for weekly "NG chats", perhaps with user-selected topic(s)

Good to see these may become more regular events.
Title: Re: Should we have Zoom meeting(s) on NG?
Post by: armando_m on December 08, 2023, 15:55:42
sorry  I missed it this time, I could not attend
Title: Re: Should we have Zoom meeting(s) on NG?
Post by: Frank Fremerey on December 08, 2023, 20:25:46
I participated in the meeting a bit too late, so I didn't really have chances to say hello to Gil and Frank.  I've already spoke with Birna and Bruno, and Thomas on the Messenger of the Facebook.

Nevertheless, it was great to see you all!  It would be nice not only that the Zoom meeting would be a regular event, but also it would encourage us to see each other personally online via whatever means.

It was sooo nice to see you in person kindof for the first time, Akira. Thank you
Title: Re: Should we have Zoom meeting(s) on NG?
Post by: Akira on December 09, 2023, 01:56:07

It was sooo nice to see you in person kindof for the first time, Akira. Thank you

Likewise.  Am looking forward to chat with you more in the very near future!
Title: Re: Should we have Zoom meeting(s) on NG?
Post by: Thomas G on December 09, 2023, 19:49:14
' Got stuck on a business trip. New try next time, I hope.