Images > People, Portraits, Street, PJ & Cityscapes

Lille, 35, 105 (not 35-105)


A 13 km walk around Lille. The weather was very cooperative. There were a couple of shooting opportunities.

Df, and oldies-but-goodies : the 105/2.5 AI, and the Zeiss 35/2 ZF2. In my younger days, 35-105 was the most desirable focal range for zooms : every brand had one, and they were not very expensive since the range was moderate and the short side not too demanding, as far as optical design is concerned. Besides, that's a very useful range.

Today, I restricted myself to both ends. The Zeiss and the Nikkor have quite different a rendering; both are very sharp, but the Zeiss never requires the contrast to be pushed, while I had to push the Nikkor's contrast every now and then. Maybe that's also one of the reasons for the Nikkor's reputation as a portrait lens - back in film days, there was no easy way to damp the contrast, except of course in B&W prints.

35mm was never my favourite FL, but the Zeiss is a "compelling" lens, especially for night or interior shots. I also have the Sigma 35/1.4 A, but never bonded with it (I'll re-sell it when I have time). In absolute terms, it may be sharper, but I'm tempted to add "so what".

First four : 1) a recently opened bar; funny outside, but inside you just get the usual supplies, a bore ; 2) a wink to catholics; 3) the Napoleon bridge over Deule canal; 4) and 5) shot from the bridge

Nice series of excellent images. My favorites are the first and last ones.


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