Found it!!
Took it apart while the screws where out aperture ring moved smooth closed down to f22. Tightened the screws and it was stuck at f22.
Took two of the screws out and loosened the other two it turned but a little tight.
Problem? A dented aperture control ring hanging up on the edge of the lens mount just enough to bind up it's been dropped on the rear edge..

This thing has clean glass but showing dust inside including a tiny dried up husk of a bug bouncing around behind the front element. Also the smooth focusing is not as smooth after gripping it to get the filter off the front, hope i didn't throw it out of wack?
So if i could find a trashed up early Ai 24mm f2.8 with a good ring i am half way in the ball park.
My local 100 miles away repair shop charges $55.00 just to touch a lens, in short he could say yeah it needs to be cleaned and give no quote on the complete job.
I may just take it off and mill it to Ai and mill that spot down as well.
For a $3.00 lens use it on my A6000 or the D700. But that dead bug may cause a random issue, how hard is it to get the front element off?