Author Topic: Nikkor 10.5mm Fisheye on FX  (Read 14505 times)


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Nikkor 10.5mm Fisheye on FX
« on: February 20, 2018, 23:23:43 »
I have read several threads about the 10.5 fisheye, shaving it etc.  Tomorrow I am going to the Nikon Roadshow at Manchester, I am hoping to try a 10.5 on the D3,  I don't suppose they will let me shave it but I'm hoping to get a feel of the image circle on FX.  Not knowing what to expect, will the image circle be contained within the FX frame or does it clip the edges of the circle on the 24mm edges?

Last year I got my 16mm fisheye and it's almost been glued to the D3 since!  I am hugely fascinated by Bob's wonderful application of his 8mm Nikkor, I am wondering if I can get a similar effect with the 10.5.

Sorry to start another 10.5 thread but I didn't see clear answers to my question in the discussions I have read.

Is it possible to add an external rim which restricts the image circle to within the 24mm boundary of the frame?

Perhaps I will have to go down the 8mm path to get a clear circular image. I suppose it isn't impossible to crop the circle in pp. but I particularly like the image compression at the edge of the image with the 8mm.
Robert C. P.
South Cumbria, UK


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Re: Nikkor 10.5mm Fisheye on FX
« Reply #1 on: February 20, 2018, 23:41:33 »
Robert, here is a quote of Bjørn from this thread (reply #1).,5189.msg81984.html#msg81984

If the 10.5 is put on an FX camera and its hood removed, it will cover about 200 degrees on the long axis. Still, top and bottom will be masked off, but by quickly rotating the camera for another exposure and later combining the two frames, a circular image results.
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Re: Nikkor 10.5mm Fisheye on FX
« Reply #2 on: February 20, 2018, 23:45:03 »
Probably you also have referred to this thread, but, FWIW, Erik also needed to combine the horizontal and vertical images to get the fully circular image shot with his hacked 10.5 fisheye on FX:,2948.0.html
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Re: Nikkor 10.5mm Fisheye on FX
« Reply #3 on: February 21, 2018, 00:02:52 »
Thank you Akira, OK, I understand, my stupidity and bad memory.  I had read that from Bjørn and also Eric's remark but they had't registerd in my mind.  ::)

While I can see that two 90º rotated exposures are a good workaround and will result in a slightly larger image than FX would allow, it might not always work if the images don't line up reasonably well.  So I think if a purchase is to be considered, with full image circle intended, the 10.5 is a miss for FX.  I had been under the (false) impression that shaving the 10.5mm lens shade was to allow the full image circle on FX, not just 'almost' a full image circle.

IF I already had a 10.5, but I don't.  So I need to consider alternative 8mm lenses...
Robert C. P.
South Cumbria, UK


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Re: Nikkor 10.5mm Fisheye on FX
« Reply #4 on: February 21, 2018, 00:54:30 »
Here is a 10.5 on a D3s.  Not fishy enough.
Anthony Macaulay


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Re: Nikkor 10.5mm Fisheye on FX
« Reply #5 on: February 21, 2018, 02:52:51 »
I tried it once (not mine) and thought that the resale value will take a very big dip and the just decided that purchasing a used Sigma fisheye would be a better decision for me since I can keep the resale value of the lens somewhat  :o :o :o

anyway, that's just my personal thought.

Erik Lund

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Re: Nikkor 10.5mm Fisheye on FX
« Reply #6 on: February 21, 2018, 08:45:01 »
Maybe this thread can spark some more interest in Full Frame Fish :),3011.0.html
Erik Lund

chris dees

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Re: Nikkor 10.5mm Fisheye on FX
« Reply #7 on: February 21, 2018, 10:15:06 »
Why not sell the 16mm and get the 8-15 Fisheye zoom. You have all in one lens and it’s a good one.
Chris Dees

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Re: Nikkor 10.5mm Fisheye on FX
« Reply #8 on: February 21, 2018, 11:04:15 »
There is a question is fisheye 8-15mm zoom sharper than the 8mm f/2.8?

Bjørn Rørslett

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Re: Nikkor 10.5mm Fisheye on FX
« Reply #9 on: February 21, 2018, 11:38:44 »
There is a question is fisheye 8-15mm zoom sharper than the 8mm f/2.8?

My unscientific response is yes, but take that with a grain of salt as no stringent A/B shooting has been conducted by me (so far).

A shoot-out is on the to-do list after my move out of Oslo has been completed.

That being said, the 10.5 Fish is no slouch in terms of its optical qualities.

Jakov Minić

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Re: Nikkor 10.5mm Fisheye on FX
« Reply #10 on: February 21, 2018, 18:40:29 »
I thoroughly enjoy using the 10.5 shaved off fish eye on FX.
It reminds me, more or less, of the times I used the circular 8mm fish-eye on DX.
The chopped off areas improve the framing in my honest opinion.
If you take a look at the majority of full circular images, you could have done without the full circle anyhow :)
I have randomly selected a few 10.5s...
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Re: Nikkor 10.5mm Fisheye on FX
« Reply #11 on: February 21, 2018, 20:35:49 »
Here is a 10.5 on a D3s.  Not fishy enough.

Is that not with the D3S switching to DX mode?

I seem to have opened a good can of fish here!  Thank you all for your replies.  I have just walked through the door after my trip back from the Manchester Nikon Roadshow.

The coffee was good, so was the reception and help from the Nikon staff, who finally managed to clean my D3 sensor and fixed the viewfinder on my D3300 which my son somehow managed to fill with mud...

Unfortunately they hadn't brought a 10.5 fisheye with them but they DID have the 8-15mm AF-zoom.  ;D  I haven't had time to offload the images I took with it yet but I found it spectacular.  Not sure I will be able to afford it at the moment but maybe in the not too distant future?

I also had a play with the 180-400 supposedly the only one in the UK accessible to us, but more on that later.

Will post images as soon as.
Robert C. P.
South Cumbria, UK


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Robert C. P.
South Cumbria, UK


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Re: Nikkor 10.5mm Fisheye on FX
« Reply #14 on: February 21, 2018, 23:02:13 »
OK I have loaded the images I took at the Manchester NPS Roadshow.

This is the scene with my D3, and the NPS 8-15mm fisheye zoom at 8mm, all images taken at f6.3.

This is taken close up of the D850 at 15mm

This was at 12mm.

And 8mm.

These pictures are of the cup which was in the second set of windows from this end in the first image, near the man slightly crouching.

At 15mm, all taken straight into the sun.

At 8mm, notice my jacket intruding, Sun peeking through the handle.

At 8mm again.

All images basic processed in Lightroom using the new auto adjust, with a very quick individual fine tune.

I can post unprocessed versions but directly into the sun, out of the camera not ideal.  I took no trouble to check the exposure, just took the shots without bothering too much about niceties like that.
Robert C. P.
South Cumbria, UK