I am pleased to see this at my desk after waking up from bed at 1 pm!
Laowa 25mm 2.5-5x Ultra-macro Box by
Macro Cosmos (DH)It's nicely packed! Mine has been opened by Laowa's support team already to ensure its quality, it would have came in an air-tight vacuum bag.
Contents are as displayed below: The lens, Lens Collar, and some documents. I did not ask for the LED ring light add-on, since I will not need it. It is going to be used for image stacking in the studio! It would work in the field obviously, but I cannot get up early when all the critters are not on constant drugs. That is when I usually sleep!
Laowa 25mm 2.5-5x Ultra-Macro Sitting in its Box by
Macro Cosmos (DH)Box art!
Laowa 25mm 2.5-5x Ultra-macro Box Art by
Macro Cosmos (DH)The lens itself is really rather small. It is solid, built well, fully metal as usual.
Laowa 25mm 2.5-5x Ultra-macro In Hands by
Macro Cosmos (DH)Size comparison! The odd lens in the middle is a Nikon Rayfact 95mm f/4. No details on Nikon's website about this lens. It was made for a company manufacturing line scanners, covers medium format sensors. It is not optimised at a specific magnification.
Laowa 25mm 2.5-5x Ultra-macro Size Comparison by
Macro Cosmos (DH)The 95mm itself produces really sharp results, but without a bellows or tubes, the magnification is low. Mine is pushed into a M42 helicoid for easy mounting onto my Nikon camera. Without that, it is smaller. But if I want it to reach 2.5x magnification, I would need a lot of extension.
I will be using this lens and writing a detailed review when my stackshot package comes. Probably end of this month. Before that, I am going fiddle with some manual studio stacking. Going to get used to it before actually commenting on it.
There is already a detailed review which I cannot read here:
http://makrofokus.se/blogg/2018/2/7/forsta-intryck-laowa-25mm-f28.htmlThe Laowa 25mm is compared to Canon's MPE 1x-5x lens. And... the Laowa is levels superior to the Canon in terms of both resolution and sharpness, according to the test photos. The two kind of equalise at f/8 where diffraction busts in and ruins everything.
The lens will be on sale after Chinese New Year. I do not know the exact date and I am not allowed to announce the exact price. I will put it this way: If you are expecting to pay for a Canon MPE, and the Laowa shows up as an alternative with even better image quality, you will be pleasantly surprised at how much you need for it. The excess can get you a nice manual photomacrography setup.