Next in this series is the
Ice Festival 2014.
I missed out a couple of years of various reasons, among those warm weather and too early melting. In 2014 I was also late to the game, in fact on this day March 30, which is normally the next last open day and many of the multi-block entries were in a poor shape as they are more exposed.
Multi block entries:Gone With The Wind.
Blessing Of The Horse Year.
Maidens Of Birch Tree won 1st price realistic:
Adventure book#4
Single block entries Face A Fear, To Be Set In The Clear received a lot of my attention (as a physiologist
) due to the unique incorporation of "arteries" and "heart" in the sculpture. Lots of alien stuff here:
Viral was presented by my colleague Ina Timbling's team and shows a bursting cell with lots of viruses escaping. Unfortunately it was somewhat melted so not in tip top shape. I guess one could say the virus attack had worked its way on the cell.
Love in motion. (Some rings had melted on this one.)
Conformity (one horn and chains have melted)
Brick House.
The Sceond Brain#12
Before leaving we also have to take a look at another tradition in the exhibitions, the log cabin.
Then take a trip in the slide again, this is the smaller one:
At then end it is closing time and the lights go off. I usually hang around as long as I can and have not encountered problems getting out even long after official closing time. It is also nice and quit then with only a few visitors doing the the same.
What isn't more appropriate then than to capture half melted multi-block entry
The Last Dance in the moonlight before leaving.