A rather eventful evening...
My first visit was to the pier on Coniston Water:
It seems I have a bonus... There appears to be an Aurora display in progress, I didn't realise until I imported the images into the computer!
My second visit was to Lowick Church, the vestiges of the Aurora can just be detected here too.
And finally, for now, one of my favourite trees:
A spike from the Aurora can be seen above the tree, together with the green glow behind.
These are just single exposures of three series I took this evening with quick and dirty processing, I will leave that until tomorrow.
The final drama was while I took the pictures of the tree, I left the cars lights on for about half an hour, when I returned, the car refused to start. Need a new (bigger) battery. I tried to stop 6 cars but none would stop, eventually one did, I was looking at sleeping in the car on a deserted country lane for the night. The car which did stop was the farmer whose field I had taken the photographs from, LOL! He demanded to know what I had been doing in his field! I explained I was a mad photographer who took photographs in the dark! He kindly let me jump start my car from his.
Finally, some sheep...