Author Topic: Welcome to Nikongear  (Read 22417 times)

Bjørn Rørslett

  • Fierce Bear of the North
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  • Oslo, Norway
Welcome to Nikongear
« on: June 10, 2015, 16:53:28 »
This is Nikongear.  It keeps the spirit of authenticity

Nikongear (NG) is created to be a web community in the spirit of the original site, which many considered one of the best photographic sites on the Internet.  However, that site became history due to an unsuccessful merger in 2014. Whether we succeed with the revived site is up to the members and what they can contribute. NG exists solely for its members not for the owners.

This site is the collective creation and responsibility of Bjørn Rørslett*, Jakov Minic, Jan Anne Offereins, and Erik Lund ("The NG Crew"). Andrea G. Blum is appointed the Chief Whip with responsibility of making software adaptations as we go along. Together these five members constitute The Team. There is no single site owner.

No affiliation with ANY brand or maker is in existence. We have no sponsors. No ads will appear. We will not sell apparel.

Registered on 8th June, 2015,  the domain name is selected for historical reasons only.  NG is what made us join forces initially and created lasting bounds of friendship. We are entirely brand agnostic and phragmatic, and the prevailing products discussed are those used by the current set of members. If your camera can take the images you want, it is certainly good enough !!

The NG philosophy emphasizes relationship building and towards this end, we encourage and support informal coming-together events several times per year. The content and value of the site are entirely  the agglomerated efforts of all members who participate.

At this early stage, the NG site is purely experimental so do expect changes to occur in layout, content, and practical functionality.

By registering as a member, you can access the site for a limited period (up to 30 days, but in the current beta stage will extend longer). After that further access will require a subscription. Our aim is that the subscriber fee will be very modest to allow everyone access. Non-paying visitors can read, but not see images or post to NG.

For now, just consider yourself a part of a beta tester group and don't hesitate to report back on any issues encountered. The Crew is not familiar with the forum software so there is a lot of trial and error going on. Bear with us while we slowly wade through the troubled waters ahead. Just contribute whatever you got in terms of photographic insights or images.

* Consider Birna as the correct given name

Edit 17 Dec, 2015: There now is only a single 'Nikongear' site in existence. It can be reached through either or Only the latter currently is by https:

Bjørn Rørslett

  • Fierce Bear of the North
  • Administrator
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  • Posts: 8252
  • Oslo, Norway
Re: Welcome to the Nikongear Revival site
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2015, 11:34:19 »
As NikonGear Revival now moves into being a subscription site, a diversification of permissions comes into play.

As a Subscriber, you have full access to the site (sans areas reserved for the NG Team), can post everywhere, attach images or link to them if hosted externally, and can use the Personal Messaging (PM) system. There is no a priori  limit as to the number of attachments you can upload, but do show common sense and don't treat NG as a backup storage area. Doing so will disrupt site functionality and cause a lot of trouble with our hosting provider.

Subscription runs for 12 months and must be renewed by yourself. There is a 30 day reminder, though, in the unlikely case you forget to renew your subscription.

When you become a subscriber, you are automatically moved into the NG Supporter group with full privileges as outlined above. No action is required on your part.

Subscription details and How-to are found here:

The following feature is not currently enabled. It will be if site traffic increases enough:
[As a Registered member, you have a grace period of 30 days during which you have the same privileges as Subscribers. Thereafter, your account will revert to Guest status, unless a subscription is performed.]

As a Guest, you can read posts but not see the embedded images, or attachments*. Images posted as external links will show up, though. You cannot post or use the PM system (naturally).

*Server load determines whether the ability to view images is enabled for guest visitors

-- updated 2023-10-31 to reflect the new '23 NG site